Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tips in Melting 10 Pounds in a Month (part 2 of 2)

Purchase a pair of light dumbbells to help you get started. Perform weight-lifting everyday for at least 30 minutes and gradually increase according to your preference. The basic and most useful way to balance the exercises is to do a 30-minute cardio and 30-minute strength training routine daily. This wouldn’t eat too much of your time since it can be done nearly any time of the day.

Third Step

This is the probably the hardest part of your weight loss regimen – diet. Eating a low-calorie diet rich with fiber and lean meats is advised. Stay away from trans-fat normally found on junk foods and especially French fries. Good for you if you rarely eat out since you can definitely monitor your food effectively if you always eat at home.

However, simply limiting the time and frequency one spends to eat dine out can help promote weight loss. Reduce or even eliminate fat from your diet and opt for baking, steaming or even raw with regards to the food you eat.

After One Month

You can definitely see the results of this diet after a month. Furthermore, you would be able to lose as much as one pound per day if you follow a strict exercise and dietary program. However, achieving the results would not mean cessation of the routine. Melting 10 pounds in one month can be a breeze but if you let it be after that period, you would find yourself gaining the lost weight.

Avoid this by continuing with your healthy routine or finding a regimen that can help you maintain your current figure.

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